Home Research Teaching
Fundamental Mathematics - Fall 2018

Math 347 - Fundamental Mathematics - Fall 2018

Practical Information

Classes will take place MWF from 3:00-3:50 pm at Altgeld Hall 143.
Office hours are Thursdays 4-5 pm or by appointment on Altgeld 165.

Course material

This is the syllabus for the class and here is a lesson plan that will be updated as we progress.


Worksheet 1.
Worksheet 2.
Worksheet 3.
Worksheet 4.
Worksheet 5.
Worksheet 6.
Worksheet 7.
Worksheet 8.
Worksheet 9.
Worksheet 10.
Worksheet 11.
Worksheet 12.
Worksheet 13.

Homework assignments

Homework 1.
Homework 2.
Homework 3.
Homework 4.
Homework 5.
Homework 6.
Homework 7.
Homework 8.
Homework 9.

Participation assignments

Presentation 1.
Presentation 2.
Presentation 3.

Practice Exams

Practice Exam 2.
Practice Exam 3.
Practice Final Exam (without spaces).